Since 1950, we have been serving Blacksburg and the surrounding area.
Who we are
The Blacksburg Volunteer Rescue Squad (BVRS) has the mission to provide professional, courteous, responsive, and valuable emergency medical and technical rescue services that enable residents and visitors to enjoy a high quality of life within Blacksburg, Virginia, and the surrounding community. The administration and continued operations of BVRS are vested in a board of directors elected by the voting members of the organization, which is a Virginia 501(c)(3) non-profit, non-stock corporation. There is a paid full-time chief and a paid administrative assistant. The membership is all volunteer, with roughly 170 active volunteers. The squad was founded in 1950 has a long and vibrant history.
The organization has agreements with the Town of Blacksburg and Montgomery County to provide emergency medical services in return for annual funding for operations and other benefits. Money is also donated and raised via fundraising campaigns.
The squad is operated by a cadre of elected and appointed officers. Elected positions are: Deputy Chief – Field Operations, Deputy Chief – EMS, Deputy Chief – Technical Rescue, and Deputy Chief – Support. Elections are held in December and elected officers take office on January 1 for one-year terms. The Chief or a Deputy Chief with the Chief’s approval may appoint an Assistant Deputy Chief and/or Manager(s) to facilitate specific administrative duties under their authority. At a minimum, these shall include Training Manager (EMS and Technical Rescue), Infection Control Officer, Quality Assurance Manager, and Personnel Manager.
Member awards and honors
The Member of the Year awards recognize selected members every year.
Other members are honored by other organizations for their service.