24 hours a day, 7 days a week —
We’re here for you.
Emergency Medical Service (EMS) is a core function of Blacksburg Volunteer Rescue Squad (BVRS). Medical emergencies happen every day, and the rescue squad station on the corner of Progress Street and Patrick Henry Drive is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to respond to these emergencies. We provide basic and advanced life support treatment and transport to the emergency room. The EMS Division of the rescue squad supports and maintains these EMS crews.
We operate 6 ambulances and 2 quick-response vehicles to provide the most efficient care possible. We stock a variety of the latest devices to provide high-quality care including cardiac monitors that can transmit to the emergency department, the Lucas chest compression system, and the Stryker power-load stretcher system. Technical rescue teams have heavy-duty rescue trucks with tools and equipment to stabilize vehicles, to disassemble a vehicle, and to stabilize structures and trenches to gain access to patients.
When You Call 911
Emergency Medical Services
All EMS providers on the rescue squad are trained and licensed under the Virginia Office of Emergency Medical Services (OEMS) based on standards set by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT). In Virginia there are multiple levels of certification within the Emergency Medical Services. The majority of responders are certified as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), a number who have taken additional training to become an Advanced EMT (AEMT) or have the highest certification, Paramedic (NRP). BVRS has three operational medical directors who help guide our training, create our protocols, and assist with quality assurance. They are also active in both EMS and Technical rescue responses.
To become an Emergency Medical Technician requires taking a four-month certification course that involves classroom lectures, hands-on training, on-line learning, and ride-alongs on rescue calls. The course is to prepare candidates to sit for the National Registry exam. When a candidate passes the exam they will be issued a full National Registry certification and Virginia certification as an Emergency Medical Technician, able to provide Basic Life Support (BLS). After passing the exam, BVRS requires its members to serve a probationary period with additional training to practice the skills learned in the course, under the direction of a preceptor.
EMS providers are required to take continuing education classes throughout the year. BVRS offers at least 10 classes a year that help our members collect the hours needed. We draw from a large pool of instructors that include doctors, flight medics, and our own members who have specialized training. We also send many of our members to the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads (VAVRS) annual convention and annual Rescue College, and the annual EMS Symposium sponsored by the Virginia Office of EMS.
Probate Precepting
Every new member and every member who advances to a higher level of care must go through a precepting process, which is a combination of hands-on skills and demonstration of a full understanding of our operational protocols. After a candidate proves that they are competent and comfortable with providing patient care, they are cleared as a provider able to run calls on their own.
How to get involved
Our squad proudly serves the Town of Blacksburg and parts of Montgomery County with free emergency medical care, transport to the hospital, and technical rescue services 24/7. Blacksburg Volunteer Rescue Squad has over 200 members who volunteer their time to make this possible.
There are several options for those looking to serve the EMS Division. BVRS offers the initial EMT certification course each spring, summer, and fall for those who want to be a trained emergency medical provider. The squad also offers a place for those who are already certified. Membership is open to all community residents and Virginia Tech students.